In a world where most people hate the administrative task of documenting work, we’re the crazy nerds that love it. Bringing structure in chaos. Moving from vagueness to clarity. Creating consistency from unwanted randomness. We just live for it. But on one thing we can agree, we also hate wasting our time. That’s why we started SowFlow.
SowFlow helps us speed up document creation, helps us keep step-by-step guides up to date, and it helps teams spread information through the organization faster. All so you can focus on your high value work, and we can take the robot out of the human.
Most organisations think about documentation wrong. It only comes up when it’s needed. “There’s a new hire starting next month, do we have some onboarding documents?” or “How do I change the system settings, didn’t someone write this out?”
Documentation is often seen as a one-off. Create it once, share it, forget it. The problem? Before you know it, it’s outdated. And the next time you need? You guessed it, hours wasted on updating docs again.
At SowFlow, we have our own documentation mindset. We see documentation as a system. A system that integrates into your organisation, assigning clear document responsibilities and ownership. This ensures documentation is always up to date, and can always be used when its needed. The result? A scalable organisation.
Documentation is an artform. You understand that if you’ve ever searched for answers in a big corporate SharePoint or Google Drive. At SowFlow, we developed our own documentation principles. It are the basic guidelines every organisation should know to leverage documentation. Help us spread the love by integrating them into your organisation too.
These guiding principles help your team work more effective using documentation. They can be implemented manually by any organisation. However, we love to save precious time. That’s why the SowFlow software solution is here. SowFlow is the IT solution that helps bring these principles into practice immediately, creating a work environment where doing the right thing is the path of least resistance.
“We researched a wide range of organisations, took in agile principles and field-tested what makes organisations actually use documentation instead of asking time-consuming questions to colleagues”